Visit a Rehearsal

Cleeve Harmony Chorus operates an open rehearsal policy - so you are welcome to come along to any rehearsal to see and hear us in action, although you are likely to find yourself singing at some point! However, very occasionally, we may have a closed rehearsal in preparation for a performance or some other event, so if you are interested in coming along, it would be helpful if you contacted our Music Director, Donna Whitehouse (, 07737 280336).

We also hold an Open Night in January every year which is always a fun event.

Here's some thoughts from one of our newest members, Sue R:

The last time I sang in a choir was at school but I decided some time ago that I would like to sing again, so when I came across Cleeve Harmony at the Village Fair this summer, I thought I would give it a go.

I am absolutely convinced about the health benefits of singing together and it has occurred to me in recent weeks that it's also got to be good for the brain because there are so many songs to remember and the warm up exercises we do also stimulate the grey matter. It is also good to meet some local ladies who are all very friendly and helpful.

After only five or six weeks of Wednesday night sessions, we had a practice night with several other choruses from Bristol to celebrate passing on the scroll for the 40th anniversary of the Ladies Association of Barbershop Singers. This was such an eye opener as it has opened up a whole new world and was great fun!

We performed some of the songs we had learnt over the last few weeks and standing all together on a stage really made the whole experience come to life. There was obviously a lot of people with many years experience in the room and it was interesting to see how people really seemed to be singing with their whole being.

It was also good to experience different Music Directors and the way they approach the task of getting us warmed up and suggesting improvements ( a delicate task).

I'm really looking forward to the next occasion and hope that others will join us to experience the joy of singing together.

Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2025 Cleeve Harmony Ladies Chorus