Latest News

  • Heart beats fast…
  •  Date Posted: Fri, 24 Jan 2025
    Heart beats fast…
    This week, Cleeve Harmony gathered for our annual meeting – a chance to reflect on a vibrant last year and set our sights on what’s next. From festivals in Bath and Cheltenham to our Autumn a Cappella concert with The Great Western Chorus of Bristol and Sonic quartet, a crescendo at LABBS convention, and our festive finale Carols at the Barn supporting Gloucestershire Bundles – it’s been a year filled with music, memories, and milestones.

    Yes, 2024 came with its challenges. We stretched our vocal ranges, and sometimes our personal limits, and we want to sincerely thank everyone who was part of Cleeve Harmony throughout the year, our families, friends and fans!

    What’s next? Our Love to Sing course starts on Wednesday, 29th January, 2025, and we can’t wait to dive into A Thousand Years.

  • Love to Sing
  •  Date Posted: Fri, 24 Jan 2025
    Love to Sing
    Love to Sing? Join Cleeve Harmony’s Love to Sing Course

    Women who love to sing are warmly invited to join Cleeve Harmony’s Love to Sing course. Female range voices of all abilities are welcome—there’s no need to read music, just bring enthusiasm and a smile.

    Over five relaxed Wednesday evenings, participants will learn A Thousand Years by Christina Perri (from the Twilight film series) in a beautiful 4-part a cappella arrangement, finishing with a friendly performance for family and friends.

    Dates: 29th Jan, 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th Feb
    Time: 8–9 PM
    Venue: The Tithe Barn, Cheltenham Road, Bishop’s Cleeve, GL52 8LU
    Cost: £10 for all 5 sessions – includes music, learning tracks, and wonderful company

    Click here to secure your spot!

    Know someone who loves to sing? Share this with them!
  • Quiz Night 23rd Feb 2024
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 26 Feb 2024
    Quiz Night 23rd Feb 2024
    Last Friday, 13 tables sprang up at St. Michael's Centre hall, setting the stage for a Quiz Night for teams of four, hosted by the Cleeve Harmony chorus. While Donna, our MD and Quiz Master, delved deep into her musical encyclopaedia to compile a playlist of questions that spanned several octaves and rounds, Julie, our unstoppable bass, ensured everything ran as smoothly as a well-tuned pitch pipe.

    Massive applause to everyone who joined, dragging along friends and family for a night of note-worthy fun. Cheers to Donna and Rebecca for posing the questions and keeping score, Marie and Jim for raffling off more than just a few surprises, Maggie and Rich for ticketing duties, Cecilia and Ian for adding a touch of class with their crockery and glasses, Ruth (our former bass) and her crew for running the bar with gusto, Sue and Maggie for bringing helping hands to support Julie's catering wisdom, and of course, Julie for keeping tempo.

    The evening's standing ovation went to team "Nomads" — their secret? Make sure you bring at least 2 people on your team who can shazam a song after 2 seconds.

    Proceeds of the evening will support our participation in the LABBS Convention 2024, to be held in Bournemouth in October.
  • Open Night 24th Jan 2024
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 8 Jan 2024
    Open Night 24th Jan 2024
    We will be running our very popular Open Night on 24th Jan 2024. If you've ever wondered what goes into preparing a song for a performance, come and experience a rehearsal when we will be continuing to learn our newest song ELO's Mr Blue Sky.
  • Carols at the Barn
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 27 Nov 2023
    Carols at the Barn
    It's now just 2 weeks until the annual Carols at the Barn event! We've checked in with Santa (he's confirmed we aren't on the naughty list, phew) and we're now getting ready for the highlight of our Christmas performances.

    £7 for adults, including a warm drink and mince pie and free for under 16s - come and get into the Christmas mood for a fab night of sing-a-longs and performances.
  • Christmas Learn to Sing Course
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 1 Oct 2023
    Christmas Learn to Sing Course
    Do you love to sing? Would you like to learn more about singing well? 

    Cleeve Harmony are hosting a 4 week Learn to Sing, Love to Sing course in November/December when you will learn a song alongside the chorus, leading up to a performance at our annual Carols in the Barn event, 

    If you wish to know more, contact Donna, our Music Director, on 07737 280336 or
  • We Won!
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 4 May 2023
    We Won!
    Oh what a day!
    We thoroughly enjoyed taking part in Choral day at the Mid Somerset Festival in Bath. It was a pleasure to sing with a great selection of choirs with emotions beautifully conveyed. Very proud of our 6 performances, super adjudicator comments, AND we came away with the ensemble cup ? Go Cleeve Harmony Chorus !
    Shout our to our LABBs friends and fellow competitors Black Sheep Harmony, lush to hear you and sing with you xxx
  • Happy Birthday to Us!
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 4 May 2023
    Happy Birthday to Us!
    A ditty from Lindsey, one of our leads!

    Cleeve Harmony is 10 Years Old!
    Cleeve Harmony is 10 Years Old
    Old? No way! Cleeve Harmony is 10 years bold
    Bold, fabulous - and resilient! the truth be told
    We’re all about that bass and forget about the price tag yeah
    But heart of my heart and beyond the sea is also where we can be
    We breathe, we hum, we sing into a cup, we bubble,
    And the choreo gives some of us a bit of trouble
    But we laugh and we chatter (is our MD as mad as a hatter?)
    Each life is different, each voice unique, but we are together in song
    And when the harmony flows, nothing is wrong
    So we sing our own song, we kick butt with Bo Rap and our anthem is clear
    We survived distancing, Zoom and lock down - Cleeve Harmony is still here!

    Thank you Lindsey
  • Carols at the Barn 2022
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 1 Dec 2022
    Carols at the Barn 2022
    Come and join us for our annual Carols at the Barn event - music, laughter, mince pies and a visit from a very special person all combine for a fun Sunday afternoon to get you in the mood for Christmas.
  • Learn to Sing Love to Sing Course
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 10 May 2022
    Learn to Sing Love to Sing Course
    Come and Learn to Sing and Love to Sing in Harmony!

    We are inviting all women, including those that are gender neutral, to come along to each session and share their passion for singing and learn a new song together that will culminate in a performance to friends and family at the end of the course.

    All abilities are welcome to come and participate, from beginner to accomplished singer, and enjoy a shared passion for music. The course is only £10, that includes all four sessions, and will run on 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th June. 

  • Open Night and 9th Birthday Party
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 27 Dec 2021
    Open Night and 9th Birthday Party
    Open Night and 9th Birthday Party!

    On 12th January 2022*, Cleeve Harmony Ladies Chorus will be celebrating their 9th birthday with an Open Rehearsal and we invite you to come along. You will get to sing with the chorus whilst we warm up, learn a short tag and then watch the chorus perform some of our favourite numbers and get to talk to chorus members about being in the chorus.

    *Covid willing! Please bring a mask..
  • Another Bass Night
  •  Date Posted: Fri, 28 Feb 2020
    Another Bass Night
    Our bass section enjoyed another evening out when they went to the Kings Arms in Prestbury. There was lovely food and a great atmosphere, and of course, lots of chatting and catching up. We talked about how we might encourage more ladies to join our lovely bass section, so if you think you might be interested please get in touch….
  • Bishop's Cleeve Open Day
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 27 Feb 2020
    Bishop's Cleeve Open Day
    Bishop's Cleeve Parish Counsil have organised an open day for Saturday 29 February giving local community groups the opportunity to promote themselves. Come and find out more about all the clubs and activities that Bishop's Cleeve has to offer at the Tithe Barn, BCPA and St. Michael’s Hall.

    Cleeve Harmony Chorus have a stall in the Tithe Barn, so please feel free to come by and say hello and ask a few questions if you have an interest in joining us or asking us to perform at an event. 

    We hope to see you there!
  • Open Evening and Birthday Party
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 14 Jan 2020
    Open Evening and Birthday Party
    We are 7 this January! We are holding a celebration evening and extend a warm invitation to ladies who might be interested in joining us. Come along to meet us and join in with a new song we are learning and most importantly have some birthday cake!
  • Promotion Singout at Tesco in Bishop's Cleeve
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 3 Nov 2019
    Promotion Singout at Tesco in Bishop's Cleeve
    A taster from the chorus when we sang on Sunday to promote our forthcoming show, Music and Laughter, which features Bishops Cleeve Players and Cleeve Harmony. It's on 22nd and 23rd November at the Tithe Barn. Please click on the attached file to see us performing Beyond the Sea. 
  • Leads Blog August 2019
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 2 Sep 2019
    Leads Blog August 2019
    Well secretly we like to call ourselves the ‘Leading Ladies’ but shh don’t tell the basses, baris and tenors. The leads section to be fair does get a lot of the main melody but contrary to popular myth we don’t mind if the other sections take over as it is fun to try our hand at the dums, dahs, oohs and counter melodies.  Let’s face it the chorus wouldn’t work without the wonderful basses and baritones providing the warmth, rock solid platform and interest for us to add the melody to.  Sometimes the tenors and leads can interchange but not often as we just can’t do those high notes they sing so brilliantly - the icing on the cake!
    The Bishops Cleeve Street Fair now seems a distant memory (in truth only last June) but it was good to sing inside the Tithe Barn for once and not have to battle with tannoy announcements, low flying aircraft and rock bands warming up during our set. Our section is going from strength to strength with some very accomplished singers but we all bring something special to our performances.  In a nutshell an ace team with no prima donnas or grouches just some very good friends enjoying a shared love of singing in our wonderful chorus.  Writing this reminds me we haven’t been out as a section for a while - diaries at the ready girls!
  • Bari Blog
  •  Date Posted: Sat, 22 Sep 2018
    Bari Blog
    And now.... it’s the turn of the Baritones (or Baris).  Baris really do complete the harmony in a barbershop chorus!  We fill in all the important missing notes to complete the chord.  We sing around the same range as the leads (the tune!), sometimes singing above the leads and sometimes below (we’re a versatile lot!). In Cleeve Harmony we have a lovely bunch of 5 Baris.  At the moment we are all working hard on perfecting our performances ready for the LABBS convention in October, which we are all competing in with the chorus.  It’s not all hard work though, here are some photos from a night out we had in the summer involving lots of cocktails and some lovely Caribbean food.
  • May update from the Basses
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 17 May 2018
    May update from the Basses

    This month the bass section would like to give you a flavour of what it's like down there in the basses. 

    We currently have a great number of basses, eight in total. Five basses have been with the chorus since the very beginning, another lady joined two years ago and our two newest members joined this year.

    We sing the lower part and sometimes we don't have many words, instead we do, da, dadada, dum and bah our way through songs, providing some depth and warmth alongside the other three parts.

    We like to have a bit of fun. We get along well, have a laugh and as friendship has developed we have been known to have a night out together.

    Here we are at the Daffodil last week, when six out of eight basses had a great evening.  It was a shame life got in the way for the other two ladies but that gives us a great excuse to follow up with another evening soon. We aim high (and sing low) and aim for 100%! 

    We are looking forward to the forthcoming Street Fair on Sunday 10th June. Until then, cheers everyone. 

    (we hope you) love the basses x

  • April 2018
  •  Date Posted: Fri, 2 Mar 2018
    Hi all, 

    Welcome to our new website! I hope you find it interesting but do let us know if you find any missing links or missing content etc. 

    We're hoping that March will be a bit more successful than the end of Feb ... when we had to cancel our rehearsal on the 28th Feb with visiting coach Craig Kehoe, due to the snow! 

    So what are we up to currently? Well the main event we are working towards is the Bishop's Cleeve Street Fair  on 10th June and is always great fun. This year we will be singing in the Tithe Barn car park so we look forward to seeing lots of you there to support us.

    Song-wise, we are working on a new (to us) song from the 50s... but for now, I'm not going to tell you the name - our lips are sealed but not when we're singing, obviously. 

    Anyway, as a first post on the new website, that's enough for today, but if you'd like to be kept informed of what we are doing, fill in your email address in the field which should be just to the right of this article to subscribe to our Friends mailing list and/or follow and like us on Facebook.



    Some days there won’t be a song in your heart.  Sing anyway. Emory Austin

Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2025 Cleeve Harmony Ladies Chorus